President Obama Receives Poisoned Threat Letter, Intercepted To Be Tested At Lab For Ricin [VIDEO]

President Obama has been found to have received a threat letter laced with the deadly poison ricin, and is the third intended recipient of these poisoned threat letters. Two poisoned letters have been sent to New York Mayor Bloomberg.

Before the possibly ricin poisoned letter got into the hands of President Obama, the White House sorting facility intercepted the letter and delivered the alleged ricin letter to a laboratory for testing, according to officials.

The ricin letter that was intended for President Obama contained an anti-gun control message, and the suspicious substance that was attached in the letter is more than likely ricin, a deadly toxin.

The Secret Service has confirmed that there is an apparent connection between the letter sent to President Obama and the letters sent to New York Mayor Bloomberg.

The ricin letters that were delivered to Bloomberg also threatened the mayor with regards to the debate on gun control regulations.

Although the sender of the letter was anonymous, the letter has a postmark from Shreveport, Louisiana, according to Bob Orr from CBS News.

According to New York authorities, those who came into contact with the poisoned letters to Mayor Bloomberg had minor symptoms, but were not seriously hurt.

A joint terrorism task force that includes both the FBI and the NYPD are investigating the case.

President Obama has not yet issued a statement on his response to the incident.

On the other hand, Mayor Bloomberg spoke with reporters on Wednesday evening, saying "No, I'm not angry. There are people who, I would argue, do things that may be irrational, do things that are wrong, but it's a very complex world out there, and we just have to deal with that."

See below for a video news report of the ricin letter incident for Mayor Bloomberg. 

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