Twins Stroke At 26: Tucker Girls’ Case Evidence That 1/3 Of Strokes Occur In People Younger Than 65, Leading Cause Of Death In America

The story of the Tucker twins suffering stroke at 26-years-old is evidence that one-third of strokes happen to young people younger than 65.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stroke is a leading cause of death in the United States, killing almost 130,000 Americans each year.

Fraternal twins Kathryn and Kimberly Tucker don’t have the same DNA or family history of strokes, but each suffered one just nine months apart, reports Newsmax.

Kathryn Tucker was at her Tempe, Ariz. residence in July 2012 when she felt a sharp pain on the back of her head, lost vision on her right side, and went numb. Her brother took her to the hospital where doctors dismissed her symptoms as a migraine and sent her home.

Kathryn told Good Morning America, “I was absolutely terrified. I slept for three days straight.”

"Then, when I woke up, my vision was horrible. Everything was distorted and one-dimensional. I could barely get around."

She was forced to see a specialist at an urgent care facility where tests confirmed she had, indeed, suffered a stroke, according to Newsmax.

Nine months later to the day, Kathryn’s twin, Kimberly had the exact same symptoms, but on her left side. She spoke to Good Morning America to described what happened.

"On the day of my stroke I did a 5K run. I was feeling extra thirsty the whole time and went home to take a nap. My vision closed in almost completely, I wasn't making a lot of sense, and was not able to form complete thoughts. But I knew I was having a stroke.

"I instantly knew… because I was suffering from many of the same symptoms as my sister. The EMT's told me that the chance of both me and my sister having a stroke this young was that of being struck by lightning twice."

Doctors have no explanation on the Tucker twins’ incident. Since the twins are not identical and have no family history of strokes, the cause couldn’t be genetic.

The only possibility is both share some of the same risk behaviors, according to the doctors. These include smoking and taking birth control pills.

After several tests, it was later discovered that Kimberly Tucker had arrhythmia or irregular heart beat, and her sister Kathryn had a PFO, or a patent foramen ovale, a small hole in her heart.

Each of those things may have contributed to the twins’ stroke.

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