Zayn’s Mom Defends Him On Twitter: Is The One Direction Singer's Mother Just Looking For Attention?

Zayn Malik's mom doesn't like it when people mess with her son.

Zayn, from One Direction, has dealt with a lot of abuse on Twitter from trolls who write racist comments about his ethnicity and religion. Tricia Malik, 41, has fought back, responding on Twitter to the haters. Some have questioned: is she doing it just to attract attention to herself and piggy back off of her son's fame?

According to MSN News, Tricia Malik has over 41,000 followers on her Twitter account. Many Twitter users have claimed Tricia is only getting herself involved through her passive-aggressive tweets to attract attention to herself, and include herself in her son's life to gain some fame.

Tricia directly responded to these accusations in a series of tweets. Put together, they read: ''Its really disappointing to see 'directioners' or more like directionators sending hate to the boys' families... like this one saying im claiming to be a star.. excuse me but how dare you? Im just a mom who raised their kids very well im not playing the star on here.. im just trying to stay in touch with you! now i got why zayn doesnt log in twitter anymore. X-''

The Guardian reports that 20-year-old Zayn deactivated his Twitter account last year after comments were posted about his mixed heritage and his religion - the One Direction star is half-Pakistani and he is Muslim. Some went so far as to call him a terrorist, The Guardian reports.

His account reappeared, and so did the comments.

Tricia Malik stepped in when she had seen enough on the social networking site. According to MSN News, she responded to one user: ''Hope you're happy now that zayn noticed your tweet !! you can't even imagine how it made him upset you psyco X-''

Tricia even said Zayn has not logged into his Twitter for a few days now, in order to distance himself from the hurtful rhetoric from Twitter trolls.

She tweeted back to one user: ''It wasnt even zayn who tweeted the 3 last tweets it was management. & i cant force him to login twitter if he doesnt want X-''

Zayn's mother also spoke about against religious hatred: ''#iGetAnnoyedWhenPeople call zayn a terrorist just because he's muslim. being muslim doesnt mean you're a terrorist X-'

Despite the racist comments on his Twitter, Zayn himself doesn't hide his religious affiliation on the social networking website.

According to NBC News, he once tweeted "La ila ha ill lalla ho muhammed door rasoolalah," a common declaration of faith among Muslims meaning, "There is no god but God and Mohammad is the prophet of God."

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