Kim Jong-un 'Socially Awkward' During Surprise Visit To Documentary Crew VICE, But Not As Awkward As Dennis Rodman

A documentary crew accompanied Dennis Rodman to North Korea, on a trip arranged by media company VICE, and had no idea they would meet the reclusive country's dictator Kim Jong-un. He showed up at a basketball game that the crew was filming.

The crew could only describe Kim Jong-un as "socially awkward" during a meeting that is the highlight of the documentary, The Daily Mail reports. Yet the crew also found that Rodman was almost just as awkward around the camera, even though VICE organized the whole trip. Rodman only spoke to the camera once, and is seen as a distant figure, wearing dark sunglasses and a baseball cap.

The 30-minute documentary will air on June 14 on HBO, as the final episode of VICE's first season, The Epoch Times reports.

The bromance between the North Korean leader and basketball legend Dennis Rodman is notorious. They communicate frequently and Rodman declared the dictator a "friend for life" in late February, according to The Daily Mail.

Kim Jong-un loves basketball so much that he ignored the government's disproval of VICE founder Shane Smith, who made two documentaries that appeared critical of North Korea, and invited the crew on a tour of the country.

According to The Epoch Times, the crew was in for a very bizarre trip. The week-long tour of North Korea's capital, Pyongyang, included a visiting a mall with no customers and a classroom of students sitting behind computers that only one knew how to operate. One student sat in front of the monitor showing Google's home page, but didn't type in anything to search. He just moved the cursor back and forth over the browser.

According to the New York Times, VICE arrange the trip in hopes that they could recruit former NBA star Michael Jordan. Their second pick was Rodman, who agreed to go on the trip after Jordan expressed no interest.

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