Baby Rescued From Toilet Safe With Grandparents, Chinese Sex Education To Blame?

After Saturday's dramatic rescue of a Chinese baby from a sewer pipe, "Baby 59" is safe and sound with his maternal grandparents, but discussions about the event are long from over.

The baby's 22-year-old mother reportedly let the baby slip out over a squat toilet after feeling "stomachaches."

According to CBS News, while the unidentified mother initially felt too scared to come forth, she began cooperating with Chinese police officials and will not likely be criminally charged.

"The local police may have considered the woman was still young and did not have any malice, and have come to the decision from the human perspective," said Xi'an criminal lawyer Duan Wanjin.

"But it sends a terrible signal to the public."

Sex education is typically a taboo subject in China, and it could have led to the young mother's grave error. However, sex education has begun to see more light in recent years.

Due to a string of sexual molestation cases in recent months, China's Supreme People's Court vowed "zero tolerance" on similar sexual deviance.

Beijing primary schools, for example, have begun to supply sex education courses in its districts, reports

"When you put on a swimming suit, the parts of your body covered are 'private'," explained 23-year-old teacher Zhang Xinzhu.

"Never allow anyone to touch them."

"We should say NO to sexual assault loudly," a student wrote on a feedback form after such a class.

In Richard Burger's recent book "Behind the Red Door: Sex in China," the sexual revolution in the West has made a slower and more "restrained" and clinical appearance in the East.

"Sex education is often taught in terms of physiology or biology," writes Burger.

"There is little about sexual responsibility, contraception, and women's right to refuse a sexual approach."

This draws parallel with the journey of "Baby 59," who came into the world after his mother had an affair and chose to hide the pregnancy from family and neighbors, resulting in the birth inside a bathroom.

With such media scrutiny over the event, and now the issue, perhaps the topic of sex education in China will continue its surge in schools and the general populous. 

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