Obamacare Starts In 2014, But 54 Percent of Americans Are Sick Over It

Obamacare starts in 2014, but a slight majority of Americans oppose the implementation of the Affordable Care Act passed that passed in 2010.

Obamacare starts next year when private health insurance becomes a requirement for all employed U.S. citizens. A large portion of the Affordable Care Act has already been implemented through taxes and organizational changes at the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS will oversee Obamacare.

Some doctors have already stopped insurance coverage even before Obamacare starts. The doctors claim that this lets them eliminate the insurance paperwork and helps improve both patient care and the doctors’ bottom line. Supporters of the Affordable Care Act claim that the electronic patient data that will be required to be collected will let doctors to provide better health care for less money.

Obamacare is likely to remain unpopular after it is enacted. A recent poll by CNN/ORC International found that 54 percent of Americans say they are opposed to Obamacare. Only 16 percent of Republicans approve of Obamacare, saying that it does not go far enough and doesn’t implement a government controlled single payer system. 75 percent of Democrats support the Affordable Care Act.

Keating Holland, the CNN polling director, said, “A majority of younger Americans favor the new health care law; support among other age groups falls as low as 31% among senior citizens. Only a third of whites support the law, compared to six in 10 nonwhites. Obamacare also wins majority support in urban areas and in the Northeast, the bluest region of the country.”

Holland continued by explaining that health insurers “don’t know what their costs will be next year. So they’re guessing. They’re guessing who will enter the exchanges. They’re guessing who will choose to buy their coverage. They’re guessing whether healthy, young people will obey the individual mandate or pay the penalty. They’re guessing what price they’ll need to be competitive against other insurers, given differences in the networks, benefits, etc. But as they’ll admit to you with a bit of anxiety, they really are just guessing.”

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