Adorable Cheerios Ad With Interracial Family Sparks Ugly Racist Comments [WATCH VIDEO]

A super-sweet new Cheerios commerical has made people hate the ad, and cereal. Because cute little girls, sunshine, rainbows, and whole grains are apparently all bad, bad things. Worst, though, is interracial marriage, particularly if it produces an adorable little girl.

Comments running the gamut of racist crap, from Nazis to genocide, prompted the company to shut down the comments section of the ad's YouTube video.

The ad is pretty innocuous - an adorable biracial girl asks her mom if Cheerios are heart healthy. The mom, who is white, reads some promo copy from the box saying they are. The little girl runs off holding the box of Cheerios. Her dad, who is black, wakes up from nap on the couch with Cheerios scattered all over his chest.


The ad has also garnered support, though. Many commenters said that the commercial is a step in the right direction and reflects the realities of a changing America. According to the Census Bureau, interracial and inter-ethnic opposite-sex-couple households increased by a whopping 28% from 2000 to 2010, from 7 to 10%. But TV hasn't reflected this reality.

Several commenters promised to buy the cereal. One wrote,"Never cared much for your brand but will buy it now just because of the interracial family commercial. Thank you!"

It's not exactly as if General Mills is struggling, but the ad may end up actually doing them a favor.

Camille Gibson, vice president of marketing for Cheerios, told press, "Consumers have responded positively to our new Cheerios ad. At Cheerios, we know there are many kinds of families and we celebrate them all."

Watch video of the Cheerios below:

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