10-Year-Old Finds $10,000 Inside Kansas City Hotel Room: The Money Could Be His In Seven Months If Nobody Can Prove It's Theirs

A 10-year-old finds $10,000 inside a hotel room last Saturday in Kansas City, Mo. and handed over the money to police.

Tyler Schaefer was with his father, Cody Schaefer, and now the internet is searching for "10-year-old finds $10,000."

The 10-year-old found $10,000 while he and his father were staying at a hotel near an airport, the Kansas City Star reported.

Cody Schaefer told the Kansas City Star that Tyler is a Cub Scout and is always on the lookout for clues and treasure.

"He looks for stuff at random," Schaefer said of his son. "He's very observant."

Cody Schaefer, a truck driver and mechanic from Rapid City, S.D., meets his former wife in Kansas City every year to get his three children for summer vacation.

Cody said that Tyler was snooping around the room and when he made the discovery, he yelled "I found money!"

"We didn't know what to do at first," Schaefer said.

Police have not found out who the money really belongs to, yet.

According to a Missouri statute, lost money could revert to a finder after about seven months if no one can prove ownership. But the owner then has another year to prove the money is his or hers and claim it from the finder.

"I didn't come there with $10,000 and I didn't leave with $10,000," Cody Schaefer said. "So it was a wash."

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