Napster Wedding In Big Sur For Founder And First Facebook President, Sean Parker, Expected To Cost $10 Million

The Napster wedding features the founder of the music-sharing site, Sean Parker, and the bride-to-be, singer-songwriter, Alexandra Lenas.

The former Facebook President and Spotify investor will shell out $10 million on the lavish affair reports the Independent and Denver Post.

But residents of the seaside town near Monterrey, Calfornia, along the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Big Sur, California are said to be bracing for all the hijinks that usually come with a Sean Paker party. 

In an attempt to thwart prying paparazzi, Parker also hired Hollywood costume designer and academy award winner, Ngila Dickson, who outfitted the Lord of the Rings cast and the Xena: Warrior Princess television program. 

Even the limo drivers who will drive guests along the rocky outcroppings of Route 1 to the destination, are said to be clad in Dickson's Sean Paker approved costumes. 

Anyone that isn't dressed appropriately will be tossed. 

But Parker took to Twitter last month to assuage any guests who are worried they'll be dressed as a Tolkien character. 

"Sorry to disappoint, but the wardrobe we're giving wedding guests is essentially modern: No swords or chain mail."

Stan Russell, head of the city's chamber of commerce, told the Denver Post, "We're pretty used to celebrities being in Big Sur, but for this one, they've basically built a movie set to have their wedding."

The incoming Silicon Valley nuptials have been a cause of concern for the locals. 

The Denver Post reports the California Costal Commission has been looking into whether the wedding construction has the proper permits. This comes following a similar inquiry by Comterey County planning officials. 

Neither Parker's attorney who is handling the matter, nor the Coastal Commission itself, returned the Denver Post's calls for comment. 

But Russell told the Denver Post, Parker's wedding tomorrow might actually be a boon to the local Big Sur economy:

"The wedding planners in Big Sur are planning ahead for 2014 already, because they're booked," Russell said. "People want to come and see what all of the excitement's about."

Sean Parker, who is estimated by Forbes to possess a net worth near $2 billion, and whose 5-floor Manhattan apartment has a floor entirely for a lawn, is getting married. 

It's a Napster weddding! That's gonna be exciting, regardless of how much it costs and how many locals are annoyed. 

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