Phillip Seymour Hoffman Entered Rehab And Completed Detox For Prescribed Drug-Abuse: He Reveals How Far The Drug-Issue Was

Phillip Seymour Hoffman entered rehab recently and completed detox for drug abuse, which included heroin use.

The Oscar winner, Phillip Seymour Hoffman entered rehab, but never admitted it until he revealed the news to TMZ. Friday.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman entered rehab on May 10 and checked out on May 24. He told TMZ that he was battling an addiction with prescribed drugs. He also said he realized the problem a week later and wanted to fix it, but his addiction got so strong that he was snorting heroin.

A drug-problem wasn't something new to the star of "Doubt" and supporting-actor in "Charlie Wilson's War." The 45-year-old had a drug-issue before he became a famous actor 23-years ago.

In a 2006 interview with CBS' "60 Minutes," Hoffman discussed his past drug use post-college.

"It was all that [drugs and alcohol], yeah, it was anything I could get my hands on... I liked it all," he said. Eventually he realized he needed to change. "I went [to rehab], I got sober when I was 22 years old. You get panicked... and I got panicked for my life. It really was just that."

He also said he was thankful he got sober before he got famous.

"I have so much empathy for these young actors that are 19 and all of a sudden they're beautiful and famous and rich. I'm like, 'Oh my God. I'd be dead.' You know what I mean? I'd be 19, beautiful, famous and rich. That would be it. I think back at that time. I think if I had the money, that kind of money and stuff. So, yeah [I would have died]."

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