Amanda Bynes Attacks Lance Bass On Twitter, Tweets "Ugly Ex Boy Band Member" Lance Is Worried For Friend---Neighbors Weigh InVIDEO]

Amanda Bynes has is in another twitter feud and this time it's with her longtime friend Lance Bass. After Lance Bass tries to help Amanda, but cant contact her via phone or email, Lance turns to Twitter.  The twitter attempt is a big failure when Amanda Bynes attacks her friend calling him a "ugly ex boy band member."

Lance Bass and Amanda Bynes became friends in 2005 when Amanda starred in film Love Wrecked which was produced by Lance. So Bass attempted to help his buddy but she has no known phone numbers or email address.

Speaking on his SiriusXM radio show Dirty Pop with Lance Bass, he said: "She deleted all of her email addresses and cell phone numbers so none of her friends can get in touch with her.

"Everything is deleted. She obviously has a cell [phone]... She's tweeting, but none of her friends can get to her. Her family can't get to her... so the only way into her life is through Twitter."

It's one of those situations where obviously there's some mental problems there and she's not able to see that," Bass, 34, said of the 27-year-old actress. "We all are [able to see it]," he told the radio show

He added, "I'm actually really scared for her, and I hope someone is able to get to her to give her the help she needs."

In response, Amanda lashed out at the former 'N Syncer, tweeting: "I ignored Lance Bass on Twitter and now he is saying I have a mental illness. Sorry you're an ugly ex boy band member w/ no talent or career."

Bass tweeted in response: "Ouch- The Amanda I know would never had said something like this to me- either this is a fake person or she really does have a mental illness. Way too sad. I reached out- all i can do."

The online war of words continued with Bynes biting back: "I haven't spoken to Lance Bass in 11 years. To say I have a mental illness out of nowhere makes me lash out! You're making me crazy!"

Bass reacted: "Now I really don't think this is Amanda- we shot LoveWrecked together 7 years ago and she was just at my bday party 3 years ago. Hmmm 11?

We can all do the math here. If Shipwrecked was filmed in 2005, maybe Amanda thinks it is 2016. This proves just how out of control Amanda is. She has lost her grip on reality and is constantly getting confused. Her neighbors have seen first hand how crazy the star is:

One neighbor told the New York Post: "She stares you out in the elevator. Residents are terrified to be alone with her. She knocked on one woman's door, and when it opened, she screamed, 'You're ugly,' and ran away.

"Amanda always seems to be alone muttering to herself and looking completely out of it... The day before her arrest she arrived in a cab and ran upstairs, leaving the driver shrieking that she owed him $150.

"She left her cellphone in the cab. The good news is, she hasn't been seen in the building since her arrest."

Amanda is so confused, she doesn't even know where she is half the time!


Amanda Bynes was caught walking the streets of Buffalo, NY but Amanda keeps telling the photog, "We're not in Buffalo." But the video of Bynes is clearly in Buffalo. Furthermore, Amanda denies that it is indeed her in the video or in Buffalo altogether.

Amanda Bynes had constantly been denying her stay in Buffalo, although we can see her tattoo in the video and in pictures at a Skyzone in Buffalo.

Since her visit, Bynes has taken to Twitter to claim she has yet another imposter roaming around pretending to be her. "THAT'S NOT ME!" she posted in response to earlier reports that she visited a Sky Zone in Buffalo. "I've never been to SkyZone! That looks nothing like me! I don't own a brown wig!"

But the staff at Skyzone in Buffalo swears Bynes was there. And they actually had nice things to say about her attendance.

She was great," a rep for Sky Zone says. "She was very friendly to the staff and came and just jumped around."

"She told us that she had been to a Sky Zone before and had really liked it and she said she loved jumping around," the rep says. "She said was definitely going to come back."

The staff said Amanda was sporting a brown wig and requested the staff to not take pictures of her. However, lots of patrons to the facility did take photos.

"She seemed like she was having a lot of fun," a patron who was at Sky Zone the same time as Bynes says. "She was all over the place, jumping and falling. She kind of stuck to herself. It was just my group of friends and her...She asked us if we minded if she jumped with us."

Do you think Amanda has lost her mind?

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