Google Glass: After Strip Clubs Ban, Early Adopter Shares Experience Making Out While Wearing Gadget, ‘Gets In The Way Physically’

News surface last April that Google Glass will be banned at strip clubs. But the unwelcoming remarks of clubs and casinos on the new gadget didn’t deter an early adopter from using it on dates, even when making out.

Rosa Golijan of NBC Today has thrusted herself into the new life – wearing the gadget while dating men, and award-winning director Chris Matyszczyk talks about Golijan’s experiences on CNET.

The date experiment has been well so far, but when it comes to kissing, she says it, “can get in the way, uh, physically.”

“I've got no issues making out with glasses on. But things got weird once when a fella started kissing me while I was still wearing the headset. God forbid two Glass wearers ever hit things off."

When two wearers of normal glasses kiss, they often resort to simply taking it off.

Matyszczyk says, however, that with Google Glass, there’s a temptation to leave them on, simply because you remain an object of wonder. Not to mention, that wearing it might begin to define you.

Golijan said she’s been on “half-a-dozen” dates while wearing her new object of attraction.

She has worn the gadget on a date with “half a dozen different fellas”, adding, “With some of whom I’ve had additional dates afterward (Glass was worn on those, too.)”

Golijan said the contraption, “sure makes the awkward moments more awkard.”

Her dates didn’t seem so worried that she might photograph them through her new lens. She actually claims that wearing Google Glass makes her look like a rockstarish object of attraction.

Whenever she was out, everyone wanted to talk about them or even try them on.

She admitted that one date wasn’t so pleased when other men sidled up in alleged fascination with her gadget.

The attention you get when wearing the gadget might require the wearer to create a discipline regimen with respect to taking it off. This is especially for appropriate – or even important – moments.

Golijan told Matyszczyk, “I’ve (very gradually) gotten better when it comes to dealing with interruptions! ☺ That was bound to improve over time.”

Women, however, may find wearing Google Glass easier than men wearing the pair.

Men maybe to taught off as voyeurs, if they wear it, even without the intention.

Lori Grunin, a colleague of Matyszczyk, said, "It's an immediate signal that your date is a douchenozzle and probably records himself having sex."

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