Amanda Bynes Lawyer: Media Reports On Actress Is ‘Way Exaggerated’, NYC Arrest Case 'Blown Out Of Proportion'

Amanda Bynes’ lawyer, Richard Hutton, who’s representing the actress in a Los Angeles DUI case says the media reports on her is “way exaggerated.”

Speaking to People magazine in an interview, Hutton said, “I think Amanda is fine. I have no problems with her whatsoever. She’s a fine client.”

Hutton, who has spoken to Bynes, 27, recently said “Every time I’ve talked to her, I’ve had a nice, attorney-client normal relations with her.”

He claims that things are not as bad as they seem.

Bynes was recently arrested last month in New York for reckless endangerment. According to police, the “Hairspray” actress threw a bong out of the window of her 36th-floor apartment.

Though Hutton is not the lawyer involved in the NY case, he said the whole thing “has been blown out of proportion.”

"The New York case doesn't seem like much of a case, really. I mean, come on. Even if you believe everything you hear, it's something that amounts to virtually nothing. And it's my understanding there's not much evidence to back that case up. There's no physical evidence to back it up. I understand there's no marijuana, no pipe."

The actress was arrested in West Hollywood last year while driving her BMW for DUI. When she tried to pass the right of a police car, she ended up colliding with its right rear quarter panel.

The LA mishap kicked off a string of motor incidents, including a hit-and-run and driving with a suspended license charges.

The actress increasingly bizarre behavior, which is regularly reported in all major entertainment outlets, has led to supporters calling for her to get help.

She regularly lashes out on those people on Twitter.

The former child star has also tried to control her image directly, tweeting “All Magazines: Contact Me Personally! I’m sick of your insanity.”

In the extended tweet, she said, “You CAN NOT talk about someone you don’t
know/met once and never spoke to again who now claims to still know me enough to check MY brain and search inside it and find a developed at 27 mental illness without getting a huge lawsuit at your office.”

In an earlier tweet addressed to the media, she posted, “If you speak to a ‘source’ who claims to know me, they don’t! STOP with your insanity! Tweet me! I’ll dm you my info!”

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