Two Gay Teens Voted Cutest Couple: First Time In High-School History Same-Sex Couple Bid For Title, Yearbook Photo Shared 100,000 Times On Tumblr

Two gay teens who were voted as the cutest couple in a California high-school became a social media sensation Sunday, reports the Huffington Post.

The image of Brad Taylor and Dylan Meehan from their yearbook was posted by their friend Chelsea on Tumblr. In less than 24 hours, it has been shared more than 100,000 times.

“"Two of my best friends won Cutest Couple of our senior class. First time in my school history a same sex couple has even been able to run for this category, not to mention winning it. So proud of them, and my school,” was the caption by Chelsea accompanying the image.

Major news sites began picking up the story, and before they knew it, Brad and Dylan – whose Facebook profiles show a high interest in theatre according to the Daily Mail – were stars.

The Huffington Post reached out to Taylor and Meehan, and according to the news blog, no one was more surprised of the response from the image than the couple themselves.

“This whole thing has been a bit surreal for us because we have been raised to believe that love is love. We never realized that our happiness and openness would inspire so many individuals,” said the couple in an email to the Huffington Post.”

They added, “The support we have received from our family, friends, and even strangers has led us to believe that our affection for each other is normal ... When we started dating a year [ago], the thought of a photo of us traveling throughout the world would be a bit frightening, but now we are proud to be part of the LGBT community.”

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