Steven Seagal: Actor Turned Political Activist

Action film star Steven Seagal has taken on his latest role, diplomat . ABC News has confirmed that Seagal helped the a group of US lawmakers explore a trip to the Russian region of Chechnya. Seagal brokered a top level get together between American and Russia officials to discuss the Boston bombers.

Seagal, along with a group of US Congressmen arrived in Beslan June 1, the International Children's Day celebrated in Russia.They visited the memorial cemetery in the town, where over 330 terror attack victims, more than half of whom are children, are buried.

Seagal met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in March of this year, and recently paid a visit to Ramzan Kadyrov, the ruler of Chechnya, a province located in southern Russia.

The province has seen two wars between federal troops and Chechen separatists since 1994.Those wars spawned an Islamic insurgency that spread across the Caucasus region which is now the center of the violence.

Seagal escorted the congressmen on Saturday to the site of a terrorist attack in the town of Beslan, where militants seized a school in 2004 and took more than 1,000 people hostage, most of them children.

Seagal had invited the delegation to visit Chechnya, but the trip was called off in part because "U.S. House rules would have prevented the congressmen from flying on his private plane," Rohrabacher said.

Rohrabacher, who is the chair of the U.S. Foreign Affairs' Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats, said "the United States should be more understanding of the threats facing Kadyrov (the leader of Chechnya) and Putin."

Seagal has developed a close relationship with Kadyrov. He recently visited the Chechen leader in Grozny, the region's capital.

The leader of the province even posted photos of them together on Instagram.

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