Google Glass Release Date: Custom Fitting Required As AR Lens To Be Distributed Thursday To Google Explorer Members

The largest distribution of the highly-anticipated AR Lens Google Glass is happening Thursday. The tech giant will begin distributing the $1500 test units to participants of the Google Glass Explorer program in Los Angeles, after users make individual appointments.

The individual appointments are necessary for the custom fitting of Glasses, according to the blog Design&Trend. The custom fitting is similar to traditional fittings of normal glasses.

It is expected that the company will share some instruction on the best way to utilize the features of Glass during the appointment.

Members of the Google Glass Explorer program from Los Angeles will head to the Google’s Venice Beach campus. Glass users in San Francisco and New York will be directed elsewhere.

According to Google, it already has all the participants it needs for the testing phase, and the next Google Glass release may be for the consumer launch of the AR gadget.

Google Glass is expected to retail at a much lower price than the $1500 Explorer program entrance fee.

The release of the Glasses this Thursday marks the first time the gadget will be placed in the hands or eyes of a wide number of users.

The Explorer phase enables several thousand participants, who have applied through Google+ and Twitter earlier this year, to experience the gadget.

A select group of individual, comprising mostly of developer and tech’s most influential media personalities, signed up for the Glass at the I/O 2012 and have received their units.

Google Glass is still very much a pre-release product, but a new update of the gadget was given last May 8 and is expected to be updated again this month.

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