Abercrombie CEO Bullies As Way Of ‘Getting Back At His Own Childhood’ Says TV Personality Donny Deutsch

Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries gets a new hater, longtime advertising executive and TV personality, Donny Deutsch.

Speaking at Huffington Post Live, the chairman of advertising agency Deutsch Inc. and panelist of “Today” Show Professional segments, said that the CEO’s bullying antics may have been a result of a traumatic childhood.

"This is a guy who was probably the biggest nerd as a kid. I don't wanna be a shrink here, but this is probably the way he's getting back at his own childhood," Deutsch said

Deutsch also said that Jeffries is “disgusting” and a “vile human being.” He also touched on Jeffries’ appearance, saying that the Abercrombie CEO has no business policing his clientele for attractiveness.

Mike Jeffries has been in the news after being quoted in an interview that he only wants “thin and beautiful people” shopping in his stores.

Aside from Deutsch, other celebrities including Kirstie Alley have slammed the anti-fat comment of Jeffries.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Alley said, "I just heard [about] this guy from Abercrombie & Fitch today. This dude from Abercrombie & Fitch -- he's the CEO -- what a [expletive]!"

"He says Abercrombie clothes are for people that are cool and who look a certain way and are beautiful and who are thin and blah, blah, blah," she told ET. "He goes on and on and on. That would make me never buy anything from Abercrombie even if I was cool and thin. I got two kids in that [age] bracket that will never walk in those doors because of his view of people."

Abercrombie & Fitch has apologized twice since Jeffries’ comments in a 2006 Salon article were re-released by Business Insider, setting off a firestorm of negative press on the CEO and his brand.

"We want to reiterate that we sincerely regret and apologize for any offense caused by comments we have made in the past," the company said in a statement last week.

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