Amanda Bynes Twitter: Humorous PSA Calls For People To Stop Caring About Actress’ Tweets, Bizarre Behavior [VIDEO]

Stop caring about Amanda Bynes’ twitter account is one of the key messages of a humorous PSA made by the YouTube-affiliated Official Comedy Channel.

Filmed in melodramatic black and white, the satirical public service announcement calls on everyone to please “stop talking about Amanda Bynes.”

The troubled 27-year-old actress has been in the news constantly for a string of bizarre social media posts and rants, including public twitter feuds with the entertainment media, and other celebrities.

Bynes was arrested last May 23 for allegedly throwing a bong out of the window of her Manhattan apartment.

The two minute and twenty seconds long PSA has been viewed more than 90,000 times on YouTube.

It features three of the Channel’s comedians presenting reasons why everyone needs to stop the “epidemic” of caring for Amanda Bynes.

"Just think, somewhere, right now, at this very moment, scientists are working to cure cancer," says one of the video’s narrators. "And you just retweeted, 'I want @drake to murder my vagina,'" another says, which was a real tweet that Amanda Bynes sent last March.

The PSA suggests that instead of talking about the former Nickeolodeon star, that you should perhaps get a dog, take the said dog for a walk, catch up on a Breaking Bad episode or even call back your parents.

Official Comedy says that, “We have the power to end this epidemic…so please, stop caring.”

Though the video is comedic in nature, Linda Shaprs of Café Mom’s The Stir comments that it hints on the truth on the media frenzy surrounding the actress.

“You know, the PSA is right. Amanda Bynes wouldn't be taking over the airwaves with her craziness if we weren't happily devouring every fresh bit of weirdness that comes out of the swirling bats that reside inside her skull,” Sharps writes on a blog post.

User Dani Von G commented on Official Comedy’s YouTube Channel describing the irony of the video, saying, “’Stop caring about Amanda Bynes,’ says the 2:20 video about Amanda Bynes.” 

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Amanda Bynes
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