Miley Cyrus Releases New Single ‘We Can’t Stop’: Former Disney Star Reveals Ecstasy And Cocaine Use In Lyrics [VIDEO]

Miley Cyrus released her new single "We Can't Stop" on Ryan Seacrest's radio show on Monday, referencing ecstasy and cocaine use in her lyrics.

The former "Hannah Montana" star, who has been under the spotlight for her mysterious relationship with Liam Hemsworth, told Billboard that her new single shows a different side of her personality.

"I feel like I can really be myself," Cyrus told Billboard.

"I really have more of a connection of who I am, and I feel like I can maybe express that more in my music now."

But many of her fans are wondering whether the new side of Cyrus' personality includes the lifestyle that she portrays in "We Can't Stop."

Throughout her song, she makes references partying and consuming hard drugs.

"'La-da-di-da-di, we like to party/Dancing with Molly," she says in her hit single, using the slang term for ecstasy.

"And everyone in line in the bathroom trying to get a line in the bathroom," she adds, alluding to the practice of snorting cocaine.

While Cyrus has not publicly admitted to using hard drugs, many are left wondering how she will respond to accusations of drug use, prompted by her provocative lyrics.

Last Friday, Cyrus was spotted wearing a red sweatshirt with the words "Sex, Drugs & Rap" on her chest. She also wore a black t-shirt with the same words, produced by the Diamond Supply Co. brand, earlier this month.

Cyrus' new album, headlining "We Can't Stop," is expected to be released later this year.

Check out Miley Cyrus' new single "We Can't Stop" here:

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Miley Cyrus
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