BEWARE: iPhone Hack is Apparently Possible, Researchers Claim, With ‘Malicious Charger’ As The Culprit

Apple gadgets and devices like Mac computers, Macbooks, iPhones, iPod and Ipads are known to always have an advance protection keeping it always safe from viruses, spams, etc. However, Iphone hack can be possible now through a malicious charger, according to researchers.

Researchers from Georgia Tec h claimed that they have discovered a way to hack into iPhone and Ipad devices against its strong protection and security. They revealed that in less than a minute, they can hack iPhones and iPads by using a 'malicious charger they created which they called 'Mactan.'

And the research team is planning to demonstrate their findings as to how they can hack Iphones and iPad devices through charger during the Black Hat Computer Security Conference event which will happen in Las Vegas and will begin on July 27.

The team from Georgia Tech says that they are acknowledging the "plethora of defense mechanisms in iOS" used by the giant tech company, Apple, for their devices as Mac users has always been able to brag about their iPod, Ipads and iPhones as hack-safe and malware and virus-free.

Although Apple created a 'close garden' environment for their operating system, meaning, everything from the apps to the accessories needs to be approved by Apple first, the team from Goergia Tech looked into a non-traditional way to hack iPhones and other Apple devices. Team members, Yeongjin Jang, Billy Lau and Chengyu Song revealed that those defenses can be bypassed. They team stated,

"(W)e investigated the extent to which security threats were considered when performing everyday activities such as charging a device. The results were alarming: despite the plethora of defense mechanisms in iOS, we successfully injected arbitrary software into current-generation Apple devices running the latest operating system (OS) software.

They also said that the iPhone hack affected all the users, regardless if the device has already been jailbroken or not. It does not also require user interaction to make the iPhone hacking possible. The team of researchers built a malicious charger they called 'Mactan' and they are planning to demonstrate it at the Black Hat event.

They further stated, "While Mactans was built with limited amount of time and a small budget, we also briefly consider what more motivated, well-funded adversaries could accomplish. Finally, we recommend ways in which users can protect themselves and suggest security features Apple could implement to make the attacks we describe substantially more difficult to pull off."

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