Fire Kills 119 At China Poultry Plant: Workers Trapped By Locked Doors And Flames, Safety Was Not First Priority In Building Design [VIDEO]

Fire killed 119 people at a poultry plant in China on Monday, leaving several dozen other workers injured. The cluttered slaughterhouse had a complicated building design, and many of the plant's workers were trapped by locked doors and the flame.

The fire that killed 119 people at the China poultry plant broke out on Monday due to what officials believe may have been an ammonia leak.

The fire occurred in Jilin Province of China. According to employees, not only do they have to worry about safety while working at the poultry plant, but they are also mistreated.

According to Wang Shoufeng, whose wife worked at the poultry plant and unfortunately died in the fire, the employees "work 14, 15 hours a day with very short bathroom breaks. They work year round with no time off."

Wang was saddened by the unfortunate death of his wife and told CNN, "My wife's just gone like that - what country is this?"

The technical director of the U.S. Grains Council, Jason Yan spoke with the Associated Press regarding the architectural design of the poultry plant building.

"I'm sure they consider some aspects of safety design," Yan said. "However, I think safety, to me, is not the first priority in their design plan."

According to the survivors who escaped the fire at the poultry plant, there was only one door that was open and led to an escape route. All other doors in the building were locked, leaving 119 workers trapped.

The fire that killed 119 workers also broke out when work shifts were about to change, so even more workers than usual were at the plant and became helpless victims of the fire.

Wang Fengya, an employee who escaped the fire, said to Xinhua News, "When I finally ran out and looked back at the plant, I saw high flames."

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