Kim Kardashian Will Eat Placenta To Look Younger; Kris Jenner Says 'Yuck' [Video]

Kim Kardashian is going to have a girl with still-unmarried beau, Kanye West. But since she's been getting plastic surgery while pregnant and probably dieting, she's also going to eat the placenta in an effort to look younger.

It might sound strange and somewhat cannibalistic, but the famous Kardashian/Jenner brood isn't the first quasi-celebrity to eat the placenta after giving birth. Afterall, it's just refuse at that point.

Other stars who have eaten their placenta's include January Jones, the icy former Mrs. Draper on AMC's Mad Men and Holly Madison of the Playboy travesty that was Girls Next Door.

On the season eight premiere of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim asked her doctor:

"Don't you think it makes you look younger? I really want to do it."

The practice of eathing the placenta isn't just a rather morbid way to look younger. Plus, Kim's already done anything she can find that will keep the illusion of youth going: vampire facials, plastic surgery and acupuncture needles in the face.

Kim's overbearing mother, Kris Jenner, who is probably more obsesed with celebrity and staying younger than even Kim, said quite flippantly to her daughter, "I don't think we're going to be eating the fountain of youth."

Earlier, when the doctor mentioned placenta cook books, Kris Jenner groaned "Yuck," (see video below), so we guess even Kris Jenner has a limit to what she'll do to look young, but we still think she eats her young every week on Bravo.

Eating the placenta also helps fight off that nagging Post Partum Depression and increases milk production when nursing.

The practice of eating the placenta even has a formal name: Placentophagy, or the act of mammels eating the placenta of their young after giving birth.

The placenta contains high levels of prostaglandin, which are made up of cyclic acid compounds that usually just promote uterine contraction.

Some say Placentophagy stimulates involution (shrinking) of the uterus, or "cleaning the uterus out." Or that the placenta also contains small amounts of oxytocin which eases birth stress and causes the smooth muscles around the mammary cells to contract and eject milk.

Except there's no scientific evidence that Placentophagy produces this hormonal effects.

Most placental Mammals eat the placenta, including herbivores, and there's a theory that Placentophagy was done by mammals as a self defense mechanism to shroud their offspring from the dangers in the wild.

If you've ever seen Keeping Up With the Kardashians we're not so sure this isn't a great idea.

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