The Viral Breakup Letter And Other Viral Breakups

After finding an incriminating Facebook message from another woman, a girl goes about breaking up with her boyfriend in the best way possible. Check out the viral breakup letter, and happy hunting boyfriend.  

On Friday, the Imgur image above posted to reddit featuring the viral breakup note that 1.2 million people have viewed since Friday. 

Here's the opening of the viral breakup letter:

"Guess who left his Facebook open on the computer and got a message from Kelsi? Yeah! You! :) But don't worry, I didn't break anything! Actually, I was nice enough to package your things! And I even invented a neat game, since I know you like looking for other things, (like other girls!)."

The spurned girlfriend continues with her little game of revenge:

"Here's where you'll find your stuff:

Your clothes are where we first met.

Your video games are where we first kissed.

Your laptop is where we bought our first video game together.

Your TV is where we went 'all the way.'

Everything else including pictures of the last two years of our lives is at Kelsi's house!

Have fun!"

She concluded with: "Oh, and while I didn't break or damage anything, I can't guarantee anybody else won't find it! Happy Hunting!"

So the lady in question, who has yet to come forward to reveal herself since it's probably as embarrassing for her as it is for the caught gentleman, but this isn't the first breakup that's been showm to the web; although this is the most viral breakup letter that we've seen in a while.  

Just a couple weeks ago a we covered the Google breakup, where a woman's clothes and belongings were all over the backyard in a suburban area of southern California.  This was captured by Google's Street View and spotted by a friend of the  uy who had just dumped the girl. 

But this time, it was the girl getting the revenge. 

The battle of the sexes rages one. 

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