'Cutest Couple' At NY High School Is Two Boys, Proving How Much Our Society Has Changed; Gays In The Media Have A Definite Hand In Acceptance[VIDEO]

'Cutest Couple' at NY high school is 2 boys. The two boys won the superlative category by a landslide, proving that even homosexual men can be the cutest couple in their high school. This is surely a reflection on the changing times in our society.

The "cutest couple" claims that they've never gotten grief for their sexuality amongst their peers. The two boys are well liked and help out their younger classmates that struggle with diversities.

The two boys first started dating a year ago and "are proud to be part of the LGBT community."

The fact that two boys won the "cutest couple" category shows that they aren't just tolerated, but rejoiced. Just 20 years ago this would not have happened. The two boys would probably be forced to hide their sexuality, and been beaten up if found out.

High school students tend to lash out at unfamiliar, taboo behavior. It is not the acceptance that is growing, but the awareness of homosexuality. The media is now filled with homosexuality.

Adored gay celebrities such as Neil Patrick Harris, and TV shows such as Glee and Modern Family make being gay seem cool.

"We've never had any problems at all," added 17-year-old senior Brad Taylor. "As a matter of fact, before the results, people were telling us ahead of time, 'You guys are going to win hands down.'"

"They're very accepted because they're so loving - toward everybody," said freshman Cristal Leiva.

Principal Kevin Carroll said tolerance is stressed all the time at the school, but he thinks acceptance of gays is not much of an issue for current high schoolers.

"You can still hear about a gay man being attacked in New York City," he said, referring to a recent killing in Greenwich Village, "but these kids don't think that way."

One of the two boy's mother said, "he's in a healthy, positive relationship. They encourage each other to do well."

When two boys are the cutest couple in their school and nobody has a problem with it, it really shows our nation moving in a positive, accepting direction. 

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