High School 'Cutest Couple' Yearbook Photo Of 2 Boys: Acceptance Of Gays A Non-Issue For HS Students, Says Principal

The high school cutest couple yearbook photo of two boys became a viral sensation Sunday, reports the Associated Press. A friend of the young gay couple posted the photo on her Tumblr account and received more than 100,000 shares in less than 24 hours.

The newly internet famous Dylan Meehan,18, and Brad Taylor, 17, of Carmel High School in upstate NY, are getting teased not for being gay, but for being all over the news media.

Principal Kevin Carroll said that acceptance of gays is not much of an issue for high schoolers, "You can still hear about a gay man being attacked in New York City, but these kids don't think that way."

Taylor said, “We’ve never had any problem at all.”

"As a matter of fact, before the results, people were telling us ahead of time, 'You guys are going to win hands down.'"

The gay couple’s selection – a first for the school – received so much attention that Meehan and Taylor released a statement saying, “the whole thing has been a bit surreal.”

When they first stated dating a year ago, they said, "the thought of a photo of us traveling throughout the world would be a bit frightening, but now we are proud to be part of the LGBT community."

Students from the school said that the couple is well-liked and has always been generous of helping young students as part of the school’s mentoring program.

Cristal Leiva, a freshman said, “They’ve very accepted because they’re so loving – toward everybody.”

Meehan’s mom, Diane Maher, said of his son’s relationship with Taylor, “He’s in a healthy, positive relationship. They encourage each other to do well.”

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