Hong Kong Man A Woman: 66-Year-Old Man With ‘Micropenis’ Finds Out That He’s A Woman After Doctors Discover Ovarian Cyst

A 66-year-old Hong Kong man recently discovered that he is a woman after all.

After 6 decades and 6 years of thinking that he was a man, a Hong Kong resident found out that he is a female when he went for a medical checkup because of a swollen abdomen. His doctors revealed that he is actually a female when they saw that the cause of the swelling was an ovarian cyst.

The 66-year old Hong Kong man, who is actually a woman, was diagnosed with two rare genetic disorders, Turner Syndrome and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia increased his male hormones, which resulted in beard growth and a 'micropenis,' or a very small penis, giving him a masculine appearance.

Turner Syndrome affects the patient's chromosomes and infertility. It is also the reason for his short stature; the Hong Kong man-woman is only 1.37 meters tall.

The doctors stated in their study, "Were it not due to the huge ovarian cyst, his intriguing medical condition might never have been exposed."

The doctors added that the Hong Kong man decided to continue identifying himself as a male and will take testosterone supplements.

The Hong Kong man became an orphan when he was still a kid.  He was found to have no testes and he had a history of urinary leakage during his childhood. The patient also stopped growing after his puberty stage, when he reached age 10.

Turner Syndrome only affects one in 2500-3000 females. People with Turner Syndrome tend to have only one X chromosome, while normal men have one X and one Y chromosome. Normal women have a pair of X chromosomes.

Only 6 cases of patients with both Turner Syndrome and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia have been recorded in medical literature. 

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