Zynga Layoffs: It’s Game Over for More Than 500 Employees of the Developer of Farmville, And Some Learned About It Only From Facebook

Zynga layoffs are currently creating online buzz with most of its sacked employees turned to Twitter to express all their frustrations and sentiments about the company's decision.

Ali Nicolas with Twitter handler @ali_nicolas shared that she only knew about the Zynga layoffs through Facebook. She tweeted, "I learned via Facebook I was laid off today and @OMGPOP office is closed. Thanks @zynga for again reminding me how not to operate a business."

OMGPOP, a casual online multiplayer website, which was acquired by Zynga, last year for $200 million was shut down together with other Zynga offices in Los Angeles, Dallas and New York. Today, Zynga zapped 520 jobs as a way to cut their losses. Zynga layoffs will affect 18 percent of its workforce worldwide and it will be completed by August. Reportedly, it will save the game developer of about $70 million to $80 million.  Just this Monday, the company said that it is anticipating a loss of more than 28M USD to $39 M for the second quarter.

Mark Pincus, Zynga's CEO said in his email to Zynga employees, "None of us ever expected to face a day like today, especially when so much of our culture has been about growth. But I think we all know this is necessary to move forward." So far, this is the largest Zynga layoff during the company's 6 years in the business and gaming market.

Pincus further his statement with, "The scale that served us so well in building and delivering the leading social-gaming service on the Web is now making it hard to successfully lead across mobile and multiplatform, which is where social games are going to be played."

Zynga is trying to refocus the company's course towards mobile and 'midcore' games, which are a lot more popular and successful today. Steve Parkis, the senior vice president of games defined midcore as games that "blend the depth of hard-core games, traditionally played on a PC or console, with the approachability and accessibility of casual games that are mobile, free-to-play and social."

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