Oscar Pistorius Girlfriend: Mother Of Reeva Steenkamp Recalls Daughter’s Frightening Experience With Athlete, ‘He’s Driving Like A Lunatic’

Oscar Pistorius appeared in South African court today to hear the postponement of his murder trial for shooting girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp last Valentine’s Day, reports the Associated Press.

Reeva Steenkamp’s mother, June Steenkamp, in an interview with the UK’s Channel 5, said that her daughter told them of her arguments with Oscar Pistorius.

She recalls a phone call from Reeva while Pistorius was driving at high speed, "She was afraid, she was so afraid. She phoned me and she said, 'Mummy I'm in the car with Oscar and he's driving like a lunatic'."

Mrs. Steenkamp said that a week later Reeva called her and they “chatted about this and that, little girl things.”

She remembers asking Reeva, “How’s it going with Oscar,” where her daughter responded, “We are fighting a lot.”

"I didn't feel alarmed about that because men and women do fight, don't they, it's part of a relationship, but this is a very early relationship to be fighting,” said Mrs. Steenkamp.

During Reeva’s parents’ interview with Channel 5, they also revealed previously unseen personal letters and photographs.

Among them was a picture painted by Reeva as a teenager. It showed a gunman, an angel and a stairway to heaven.

Her parents described it as a chilling “premonition.”

Reeva died on Valentine’s Day evening after Oscar Pistorius shot her three times. Pistorius claims that he mistook Reeeva for a burglar.

Oscar Pistorius’ murder trial was moved to August 19, as requested by prosecution, to allow more time for investigation.

It’s also the same day Reeva Steenkamp would be celebrating her 30th birthday if she was alive.

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