Amanda Bynes’ Crazy Behavior Causes Celeb Concern: Troubled Actress Responds ‘I’m Not Crazy’

Amanda Bynes’ crazy behavior has brought a bevy of concern from celebrities for the troubled actress, Huffpost Celebrity reports.

Alyssa Milano and Courtney Love has reached out to the actress on twitter, with Love tweeting, “pull it together dude,” and in another tweet, “I’ve been in your shoes, wasn’t easy.”

As Soraya Roberts of Yahoo! OMG! The Juice blog, writes, “Amanda Bynes may be spreading hate, but she's getting some love back.”

Actress Alyssa Milano, who was also a child star and became famous for her role on “Who’s the Boss?” offered to help Amanda as well.

Tweeting Courtney about her message for Amanda, Alyssa writes, “I would be totally there if you can reach her. Let me know if I can help in any way.”

The “Easy A” actress has resorted to childish name-calling every time someone has reached out to her. She has called Milano ugly at one point.

Bynes also tweeted on May 29, “I’m not crazy.”

But after the 27-year-old was arrested on reckless endangerment charges in New York last week, more and more celebrities have spoken about and attempted to reach out to Bynes.

The Huffington Post reported that music mogul Russell Simmons said in a blog post that though he has never met Bynes, he knows that she has “great gifts to offer the world.”

"It is sad for me to watch the struggles of this very talented young actress. I have seen this story play out so many times throughout my career... I have grown to learn that you’ll actually evolve faster when you look to uplift, rather than judge those who seem to be struggling in life. I am a firm believer that there are better days ahead for Amanda," Russell wrote, as shared by the Huffington Post.

According to TheFix, even Britney Spears has reached out to Amanda. The 31-year-old “Hold It Against Me” singer reportedly spoke to the troubled actress, telling her to get get help from her parents.

Britney also told Amanda that conservatorship saved her life.

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Amanda Bynes
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