Emma Watson Will Return To Brown University This Fall, After Leaving In 2011 Following Rumors Of Bullying

Emma Watson has announced that she will return to Brown University this fall after leaving in 2011 amid reports that she was being bullied at the Ivy League college.

According to The Daily News, Watson would participate frequently in lecture, raising her hand and answering the professors' questions to the class. Unfortunately, her peers would respond by quoting "Harry Potter," in which Watson starred as Hermione Granger. Her peers would shout "Three points for Gryffindor!"

Vanity Fair also did a story about Watson's bullying, in which the young actress described her first days at Brown "awful."

However, Emma completely debunked the rumors, saying they were completely unfounded. The 23-year-old actress said the reason she left was because she was finding it difficult to juggle fame, movies, and college at the same time, The Insquisitr reports. But she wants to give it another go this year.

In an interview with Rookiemag.com, Emma explained why she decided to go back to school: "I really like the fact that it has a very open curriculum, that there aren't any requirements. Really, I've kind of been in charge of my own education since I started out on Potter when I was 9 or 10, and I liked that I could design my own major if I wanted to, and I could take independent studies if I wanted to on subjects that weren't necessarily in the curriculum. I did an independent study on the psychology and philosophy of how and why we fall in love, which was awesome," she said, USA Today reports.

"Opportunities like that, and the idea of classes being pass/fail, make it sound as if you don't have to work as hard, but it actually gives you the freedom to try out things that you wouldn't be able to do if you had to get a certain GPA on your transcript. It lets you take classes that you wouldn't otherwise. And it attracts a certain type of student: [someone] very independent who wants to take responsibility and control of what they're learning. That really appealed to me, as well," Watson continued.

Emma Watson recently attended the premiere of her new film, "This Is The End," sporting a new style: a chic brunette bob, a zebra-print strapless top, and black cigarette pants with black pumps. The movie will be in theaters June 12.

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