Comet ISON Surges Thorough Space In Incredible New NASA Photo

The Comet Ison is on view in a newly-released NASA photo. The stunning new photo has just emerged, and it shows ISON barreling through space faster than the human eye could catch it.

The deep-space view was stitched together from five photos taken of ISON by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope on April 30. The composite photo is notable in part because the comet zooms through space too fast for people to see.

As Josh Sokol says,"The result is part science, part art," Sokol is a researcher at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., which is responsible for overseeing Hubble, operations.

He explained, "It's a simulation of what our eyes, with their ability to dynamically adjust to brighter and fainter objects, would see if we could look up at the heavens with the resolution of Hubble."

The result is stunning. All five photos were taken by Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 UVIS, but differnet filters were used. In some cases, the cameras captured red and near-infrared light, researchers said. And in the others, a filter that exposes yellow and green light, which shows up as blue in the image, were used.

"In general, redder things are older, more evolved, than blue things - this is true both for the crosshair-spiked stars and the smudges of distant galaxies," Sokol said of the new ISON photo.

The Comet Ison is signifigant-prehaps even the Comet of the Century, researchers say. It will be very, very close to the sun on Nov. 28-in fact, a mere 724,000 miles away. Around this time, ISON might be as bright as a full moon.

Backyard astronomers and scientists are gearing up to observe the comet around this time-but with the new NASA photo, we have a sneak peek.

However, ISON may not behave the way scientists hope. Comets are very unpredictable. But it's getting closer and closer-as the new photo shows.

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