Fox News Baffled Muslim Wrote Book About Jesus- Resa Aslan Interview "Embarrasing", Anti-Islamic: [WATCH] "Cringe-Worthy" Video

Fox News has showed its anti-Islamic colors frequently-and the newest incarnation is a doozy.

Religious scholars who practice one religion often write about others. But a recent Fox News segment implies they shouldn't-and it's been called the most embarrassing Fox News interview yet.

The "cringe-worthy" interview features Fox News anchor Lauren Green and religious scholar Reza Aslan on her show on Friday in order to discuss "Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth", his recent book.

The book has stirred some controversy-but Green's interrogation didn't focus on any of the questions in the text itself. Rather, she turned personal immediately.

Green immediately starts interrogating him for being Muslim. "You're a Muslim, so why did you write a book about the founder of Christianity?" she asks.

Aslan replies, seeming befuddled: "Well, to be clear, I am a scholar of religions with four degrees, including one in the New Testament, and fluency in biblical Greek, who has been studying the origins of Christianity for two decades, who also just happens to be a Muslim."*

She continues to interrogate him, saying, "It still begs the question though, why would you be interested in the founder of Christianity?"

Ummm...maybe because most of the last 2000 years has been heavily influenced by Christian political power, philosophy, and belief?

Aslan replies slowly, "Because it's my job as an academic. I am a professor of religion, including the New Testament. That's what I do for a living, actually."

Oh, right, there's that, too. Green kept nattering on, saying he didn't disclose that he is a Muslim.

Actually, it's on page two of his book.

And, worse, the implication is that devotion to Islam must be hidden-which is more damaging than the inaccuracy of her statement.

Green also, bafflingly, justifies her argument by comparing a Muslim writing a book on Jesus to a Democrat writing a book on Reagan. Which....has probably happened.

Apparently, people who are not in one sect cannot comment on the sect. Thus, a certain writer cannot call Green a moron, because said writer is not a moron.

Fox News has a policy of being hostile to Muslims.

And a Rolling Stone profile noted that Fox CEO Roger Ailes "has a personal paranoia about people who are Muslim - which is consistent with the ideology of his network."

And a recent biography of Ailes says that,

"He donates upward of 10 percent of his net income to charities, many of them religious, including an annual fifty grand to the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York and another fifty grand to Catholic charities." He told me he'd be glad to give to Muslim charities, too, "if they disarm"."

Wow. A similar attitude was exhibited by Brian Kilmeade, who said that one "can't avoid th[e] fact" that "every terrorist is a Muslim," and by Bill O'Reilly, who said a planned Islamic community center several blocks the World Trade Center site, Park 51, was "inappropriate" because "Muslims killed us on 9-11."

Thus, sadly, this interview isn't new territory-even if the territory is a strange and hostile desert.

Watch the segment on video below:

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