PS4 Vs. Xbox One Poll: Playstation 4 Three Times More Popular? Survey Reveals 76 Percent Of Gamers Prefer Sony Console, 23 Percent Prefer Microsoft

A recent poll published by reveals that 75.54 percent of gamers prefer Sony's Playstation 4 console while 23.46 percent prefer Microsoft's Xbox One.

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And another report in which consumers were surveyed on their next-gen console purchase intent has revealed the possibility that PlayStation 4 sales have the potential be nearly 50 percent higher than Xbox One.

Results from Strategy Analytics' latest survey indicate that 14.2 percent of consumers are "very or somewhat likely to buy a PS4 within the next twelve months." Comparitvely, just 9.5 percent will buy an Xbox One, GameZone also reports.

"Our survey suggests that consumers believe the PS4 will win the early phase of the next generation console war," said Jia Wu, Director or Connected Home Devices, according to the survey.

"Our survey suggests that consumers believe the PS4 will win the early phase of the next generation console war," said Jia Wu, Director or Connected Home Devices, according to the survey.

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