Bethenny Frankel Talk Show Drama; Personal Assistant Quits Because She's "Particular And Difficult", "Mean"

Bethenny Frankel's new talk show won't start for months...but there's already drama.

Bethenny has been "very particular and difficult", sources say. Staff at the Ellen Degeneres-produced show is seriously unhappy and stressed out over Bethenny's behavior.

The daytime talk show is only in this is seriously not a good sign.

And Frankel's own staff is even more unhappy. Frankel's executive assistant, Marilyn, quit after mere weeks because Frankel was such a nightmare to work with.

Marilyn quit after less than a month because Bethenny was so mean to her," a source said. "Marilyn has a lot of experience working with celebrities and complained she had 'never been treated this badly.'"

And, the source said, they can't find a replacement.

"They have been interviewing other assistants, who had to sign nondisclosure agreements and were told not to talk to Bethenny unless she talks to them first. They have interviewed more than 40 people, but she doesn't like anybody."

Frankel has a difficult reputation...but this is over the top.

The "Real Housewives" star and Skinnygirl mogul has an empire, sure, but it's of margaritas. Shouldn't she be in Margaritaville, relaxed?

Maybe the Skinnygirl needs to eat something and calm down.

Another source said that there's "lots of energy". "They are testing out assistants. It is a very particular job with a lot involved, managing Bethenny's TV and business interests. But there is absolutely no division between Bethenny and the staff on the show. For many of them it is a dream job. There's lots of energy and excitement."

Sure, if by "energy and excitement" you mean "drama and screaming".

Frankel's divorce has been full of drama as well....maybe little Bryn could be the new personal assistant?

Oh, wait, she locked herself in a bathroom last week and refused to come out. Staffers had to call the fire deparemtnet to extract her. Also, Frankel won't let the three-year-old eat non-vegan food due to her "food issues" (see: eating disorder)...despite a nutritionist telling her that it's unhealthy.

Yeeeah. Drama.

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bethenny frankel
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