FDA Finds Anabolic Steroids In Vitamin B Supplement, Cause Dangerous Side Effects: Unusual Hair Growth, Impotence, Muscle Pain

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned consumers of two potentially dangerous anabolic steroids found in a vitamin B dietary supplement from Healthy Life Chemistry by Purity First, which has caused serious side effects.

According to CBS News, the FDA has received almost 30 complaints of side effects associated with the supplement, including cases of fatigue, muscle cramping and muscle pain.

Some women who took vitamin reported unusual hair growth and missed menstrual cycles, while some men claimed impotence and low testosterone.

CBS News reports lab tests also found abnormal liver and thyroid function, and cholesterol levels linked to using the product. The tests by the FDA found that the vitamins may contain the steroids methasterone and dimethazine, which are sometimes used illegally by bodybuilders, The Christian Science Monitor reports.

The steroids weren't listed on the product's label.

"Products marketed as a vitamin but which contain undisclosed steroids pose a real danger to consumers and are illegal," Howard Sklamberg, director of the Office of Compliance in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a July 26 statement.

"The FDA is committed to ensuring that products marketed as vitamins and dietary supplements do not pose harm to consumers," Sklamberg continued.

The National Institutes of Health says taking anabolic steroids has been linked to health problems like acne and cysts, breast growth and shrinking testicles in males, voice deepening and body hair growth in women, aggressive behavior, and increased risk for heart attack and other cardiovascular problems, liver disease and cancer, CBS News writes.

According to UPI, vitamin B supplements are thought to increase energy and metabolism.

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