What's Your Music Style? 'K-pop Vs K-indie'

We're not going to get into how the difference between the two types of music genres is money, because that has been established long ago, and we all get it. Independent music is produced different and with greater effort, while K-pop is commercialized and sold with ease, and has a steadier fanbase.

Because of this, hasn't it set some sort of stigma to the word K-indie?

There really is a difference though that surpasses the way that they penetrate the market and their methods of promotion, and that is the quality of their music. One isn't greater than the other overall, but there is a certain type of substance that stands true for the majority of K-indie in comparison to K-pop.

This isn't a slight against Kpop in any way. I love both genres and find that they offer something different for this audience and that, so there really is no need to suggest that one is more deserving.

One of the comparisons that can be made between the two-- solely based on their music-- is the use of more instruments. I know that there are Kpop idols that play their instruments on stage, and can play instruments off stage, but those who incorporate it into their music and not necessarily to glorify an image are indie artists.

I've also seen Kpop artists who play between the boundaries of indie and pop, bands like CNBLUE, Lim Kim, and maybe even f(x) with their new song "Shadow," one of the tracks on their album, Pink tape.

I think the right way to put it is that one is more authentic and unplugged, more raw, while the other is edited down to what is easily marketed.

K-indie songs are not always going be enjoyed by the general public. The style to it is more soft alternative or acoustic, so there isn't much of a beat dropping in the background. And more often than not, the lyrics are purely Korean.

If you are willing to listen to songs that fall outside of Kpop, I would suggest Kindie as a gateway music genre. 

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