K-Pop Couples: Are fans being Fair in their Reactions to these Relationships?

Here's the thing about K-pop: relationships are a big deal. This is why according to Leeteuk of Super Junior, as he admitted a few months back in Strong Heart, idols date in secret.

This could be either the company doesn't allow such relations, or the artists themselves decide not to out themselves to the public considering that they want to keep some things to themselves. Eunhyuk of Super Junior once said in a radio interview that if he ever had a girlfriend, he wouldn't dare tell the fans about it because as an idol, he was their boyfriend first, and his own self second. This is because he feels so grateful towards the fans and what they have helped him accomplish. As a fan, do you agree with this kind of thinking?

Taemin from SHINee stated once that if he had a girlfriend, he would be proud to show her off. And I  think he has proven that true with the way he is around Naeun now that they're on We Got Married together. He is so earnest and playful and so obviously in like, but is this a show of disrespect towards his fans? Does this mean that they should stop following his activities just because he's being openly affectionate towards one other person?

Idols are sometimes perceived as something beyond what they really are, which is human. This is what I think allows fans to react negatively towards new found relationships between their oppas and unnies. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with fans being jealous, there is also nothing wrong with idols finding love, as long as neither of these parties are hurting each other in any way whatsoever. The only time that such reactions become abusive is when they leave nasty comments on either party of the idol relationship, openly expressing all sorts of hate. It's quite petty, and fans do it in abundance because the internet allows them such anonymity. But it solves nothing, it doesn't make them any less of a couple than it makes them happy. 

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