Star Trek 'Teleporter" Stuns UK Shoppers [VIDEO]; 'Into Darkness' Tops DVD Sales And ITunes Downloads

A promotional stint to promote the release of "Star Trek: Into Darkness" on Blinkbox, a leading home streaming provider in the United Kingdom, features an actual "working" teleporter. The latest Star Trek movie was released on DVD, and it has risen to the top of the charts on both DVD sales and ITunes Downloads.

The promotional stint was staged in a mall in the UK. It enlisted top illusionist Scott Penrose and featured a "Star Trek" teleporter machine. He chose volunteers from the audience who would step into the machine and 'fizz out' in the same manner that Star Trek characters teleport in the movie. They would then reappear in other locations in the mall. Shoppers were astounded, but the big reveal was inevitable.

Meanwhile, in other locations, “Star Trek: Into Darkness” did not seem to need much publicity. "Star Trek Into Darkness," with a main cast of Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana and Benedict Cumberbatch, rose to the top as the No. 1 movie download on iTunes.

An added feature on the Star Trek DVD is a very revealing behind the scenes segment. It extensively shows the ingenuity that brought the breath-taking scenes to the big screen. Director J.J. Abrams justifies its inclusion: “ I don’t like behind the scenes happening too much before a movie comes out, which a lot of filmmakers do, and to great success, of course. But to me, I feel like, if I’m watching a movie and I’ve seen in the aggregate, half an hour of how they did a sequence, I feel like it’s pulling back the curtain prematurely. Once it’s on a Blu-ray, I always think about, if I had behind the scenes stuff when I was a kid, which I never did, it would have been so much more illuminating, as to the process, how it works and why it works. So, it’s really for people who are interested in filmmaking, and people who are curious about the process. To give them that access, to me, is one of the opportunities that we have. It’s a fun thing for us to do. And it celebrates the crew that often doesn’t get any of the accolades, and deserves so much of it. “

Watch The “Star Trek teleporter” in action below:

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