Three Germs Urgent To U.S. Health: CRE, Drug-Resistant Gonorrhead, Clostidium Difficle Lead To Over Million Infected, Thousands Deaths Per Year

Three germs urgent to U.S. health have been revealed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceade (CRE), drug-resistant gonorrhea and clostridium difficile.

These three germs that are urgent to the health of the U.S. have caused infections and deaths of over 1,059,000 Americans a year.

Some of these germs are transmitted sexually, through hospitals and when antibiotics are overused. The health of the U.S. can avoid some though it is urgent because it can be deadly cases without anybody having any clue.

CDC director Tom Frieden said in a telephone news conference. "If we are not careful and we don't take urgent action, the medicine cabinet may be empty for patients with life-threatening infections in the coming months and years."

"On the urgent list, reported by USA Today:

-Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), bacteria that cause 9,000 infections in hospitals and other health-care facilities each year. The CDC says nearly half of hospital patients who get CRE bloodstream infections die from them. It's a "nightmare infection," Frieden said.

-Drug-resistant gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection that now resists several antibiotics that used to cure it. CDC estimates 30% of the 800,000 cases in the United States each year fit that description.

-Clostridium difficile, a serious diarrhea-causing infection that is not highly resistant to antibiotics but does thrive when antibiotics are over-used. The bacteria cause 250,000 infections and 14,000 deaths each year."

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