HTC One Max Release Date Rumors: New ‘Phablet’ From Taiwanese Smartphone Manufacturer Set For End of October Launch In The US, Priced At $800?

HTC One Max release date rumors intensify even more in the mobile world.

According to a post on Android Origin, HTC One Max release date may be set for October in the US. As for the pricing, HTC One Max may be worth at around $800.

As the alleged HTC One Max release date nears, more details are popping up online.

For instance, it has been reported that HTC One Max release has already been confirmed for a Sprint launch. Christian Post cited a Twitter post made by @evleaks, which read, "HTC One max is Sprint-bound." Moreover, the official retail name for the HTC One Max is HTC T6, again as tweeted by @evleaks which posted, "HTC One max confirmed as retail name of the T6."

Aside from HTC One Max release date, tech enthusiasts looking forward to the launch of the new phablet are also interested to know about the official specs of the forthcoming device. However, just like how HTC One Max release date remains unconfirmed until now, the specifications of the phablet emerging nowadays remain to be rumors.

According to a separate article from Christian Post, one of the key HTC One Max specs is its fingerprint sensor that is located on the rear part of the device. This rumor about HTC One Max originated from new photos leaked by Weibo, a Chinese social network. The images depict the fingerprint scanner on the back of the alleged prototype model of HTC One Max. 

Furthermore, HTC One Max is expected to be equipped with 5.0 inch full HD 1080p display, 2 GB RAM, 1.7 GHZ processor (model still unknown) and 16 GB internal storage. The battery for HTC One Max is reported to be packed with 3300mAh and it may come with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean out of the box.

Expect more reports about HTC One Max release date and specs to come out as October nears.

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