Crocodile Under Bed In Zimbabwe Sounds Like a Nightmare [VIDEO], But It Doesn't Scare Implacable Guy Whittall: How They Subdued The Dangerous Croc

A crocodile under your bed sounds like your worst nightmare, but it happened to one man in Zimbabwe.  

Guy Whittall works at Humani lodge and stayed the night there - only to find a crocodile under his bed.

Whittall told New Zimbabwe about the crocodile found under his bed: "The really disconcerting thing about the whole episode is the fact that I was sitting on the edge of the bed that morning, bare foot and just centimeters away from the croc."

Whittall, 40,  estimated the crocodile under his bed weighed 300 pounds, and likely came from the nearby Turgwe River.

Whittall and a few of his co-workers were able to "rope and haul" the resistant crocodile out from under the bed and back into the wild.

"Catching and securing a croc of any size on land, though, is a fairly straightforward affair and we are experienced in that," Whittall said.  "The most important thing is to get its snout roped and secured, and then it's just a matter of restraining it and covering its eyes, to calm it down."

"I just remember thinking, goodness gracious, that's one for the books," he said about finding a crocodile under his bed.  "I'm pretty sure everyone in Humani checks under their bed before going to sleep now anyway."

It sounds like Gary Whittall took finding a crocodile under his bed in stride - many people wouldn't have reacted so calmly!

Watch Crocodile Video Here:  

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