Lily Collins Is 2013’s Most Dangerous Cyber Celebrity; Women More Dangerous Than Men, According to McAfee

Lily Collins is dangerous. So dangerous I was afraid to up Lily Collins for this article.

Don't let Lily Collins turn on Nickelodeon fool you.

Lily Collins is the most dangerous cyber celebrity of 2013. According to McAfee’s seventh annual study, Lily Collins, the star of “The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones” and “Mirror, Mirror,” is this year’s most dangerous celebrity to search for online.

Lily Collins replaced Emma Watson, who is just as dangerous with a mouse as she is with a wand. The McAfee study found that it’s riskier to search for women than men “Mad Men’s” Jon Hamm was the only male in the Top 10), but musicians are dangerous too. Musicians make up nine of the top twenty most dangerous celebrities.

Lily Collins keeps dangerous company with Avril Lavigne, who comes in at number two and Sandra Bullock who rounds out the top three. A Lily Collins search has almost a one-in-seven chance of Landing on a malicious site. If you add Lilly Collins name to the words “nude pictures” or “free app download” and “nude pictures” it increases your chances of hitting a site with malware.

Paula Greve, director of web security research at McAfee, said “Today’s consumers often are completely unaware of security risks when searching for celebrity and entertainment news, images and videos online, sacrificing safety for immediacy. Cybercriminals prey on consumers’ addiction to breaking news and leverage this behavior to lead them to unsafe sites that can severely infect their computers and devices and steal personal data.”

Fans searching for “Lily Collins and free downloads,” “Lily Collins and nude pictures,” “Lily Collins and fakes,” and “Lily Collins and free app downloads” hit one in seven odds that they will click on a sit designed to steal personal information, such as email addresses and passwords. If you download files or pictures or videos it puts you at a greater risk of downloading viruses and malware.

People downloading Lily Collins pictures have a 14.5% chance of landing on a bad website.

The Top Ten Are:

1 Lily Collins
2 Avril Lavigne
3 Sandra Bullock
4 Kathy Griffin
5 Zoe Saldana
6 Katy Perry
7 Britney Spears
8 Jon Hamm
9 Adriana Lima
10 Emma Roberts

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