Jon Gosselin Now Pulls Gun On Female Photographer Firing A Warning Shot! [VIDEO REPORT] Paparazzi Chased HIm Trespassing On His Land But Did 'Jon And Kate Plus 8' Star Go Too Far?

Jon Gosselin now has hit rock bottom pulling a gun out at a female photographer and firing a warning shot. Gosselin, who once had the TLC show 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' pulled the gun out when on female photographer chased him down to his Pennsylvania cottage on Friday and trespassed on his land.

Jon Gosselin, who now lives as a waiter in Beckersville, Pa., approached the photographer with a gun and fired a warning shot to scare the woman. Gosselin followed her all the way back to the main road to make sure she was no longer trespassing on his territory.

The photog made a police report that Jon fired a shot in the air, but she declined to request that police take action. She was the one actually in the wrong trespassing on his land so of course she took no further action as she could be in legal trouble as well if she took action.

Since Jon split up with Kate he's been living a secluded life in the outskirts of Pennsylvania, living as a waiter at a restaurant.

He told "Entertainment Tonight" about living the simpler life:

"At first I was nervous because I was like, 'How are people going to react?'" Gosselin said. "But then I'm thinking 'Well it's fun and I get to talk to people.' And they technically already know me ... they're like 'Are you the guy?' I'm like 'Yeah, I'm the guy.'"

"You learn from your mistakes," he said. "That's what builds you to who you are today."

"I've hit rock bottom about 20 times, and then I bounce back again," he told ET.

Jon also admitted that he doesn't "have a relationship with Kate," and that they primarily communicate through text and email saying 'I don't physically see her."

 Radar Online and numerous other gossip websites reported that Jon Gosselin's child support payments to his ex-wife Kate are in arrears for the amount of $3,557.06. Is the ex reality star crumbling before our eyes?

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