‘Avengers 2 Age Of Ultron’ Black Widow With ‘Increased Role;’ Comic Fanboys Complain Less Exposure Of ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’

Big shots at Marvel continue to tease. Writer-Director hints at 'Increased role" for Black Widow and other characters who don't have their own movies. Comic Fanboys are quick to criticize the shift of 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes.'

In a recent interview with MTV News, Joss Whedon, main brains behind The Avengers, could not hide his excitement for his muse, The Black Widow(played by Scarlett Johansson):   "Natasha is a huge part of the sequel because you do want to concentrate on the people who don't have their own franchises," "Although she in 'Cap 2,' [and] she's great. She was the most fun for me because she's not a hero, you know, and it's something that I read-and I feel bad that I can't remember who wrote the book-but it's in one of the books explaining, 'These guys are heroes, you are a spy. It's a different thing-it's a different skill set-and you don't have their moral high ground or any of that good stuff.' And that just makes her so interesting to me. So yeah, the stuff I've got going on with her in the second one is killer."

The focus from the big stars who have their own movie franchises (Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Hulk) to the heroes who don't (Black Widow, Hawkeye) was met with harsh bashing from comic fanboys and even movie fans. Comments from Unleash the Fanboy were as follows:

 "..did you know that Black Widow received more screen time in The Avengers than Thor? Thor! The very guy responsible for Loki's invasion of Earth!"

"Earth's Mightiest Heroes" have no powers, just skilled at shooting arrows and guns."

"I don't shell out $60 for a pair of 3-D tickets, a large popcorn, and that oddly delicious radioactive nacho cheese to watch a $200 million spectacle comprised of B-list heroes."

One ray of hope for would be an increased role for Iron Man. The contract for three Iron Man movies was not extended for actor Robert Downey, Jr. Thus, there won't be any more Iron Man sequels (as of now). Iron Man's exposure with the Avengers will likely increase.

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