Sinead O'Connor Feud Continues With Miley Cyrus [VIDEO] Open Letters Reach New Head As Irish SInger Says' 'Wrecking Ball' Singer Is Responsible For Suicide Threats

Sinead O'Connor feud continues with Miley Cyrus as Sinead is getting more backlash from open letters to Miley. The irish singer wrote another letter to Miley today expressing how people want her to commit suicide and she belieles Cyrus is to blame. 

O'Connor wrote "As a result of what you did, I have had numerous communications from people urging me to commit suicide. Not to mention, I have been the subject of literally thousands of abusive articles and or comments left after articles, which state that I and therefore all perceived mentally ill people, should be bullied and be invalidated." 

The feud began when Sinead O'Connor's previously wrote another letter to Miley Cyrus bashing her behavior and VMA performance. After Miley told Rolling Stone that Sinead was one of her celebrity idols, the irish singer wrote an open letter expressing her negative opinion about Miley using her sexuality instead of her talent and how she is hurting young women with he oversexed image. The letter writes:

"I am extremely concerned for you that those around you have led you to believe, or encouraged you in your own belief, that it is in any way 'cool' to be naked and licking sledgehammers in your videos. It is absolutely NOT in ANY way an empowerment of yourself or any other young women, for you to send across the message that you are to be valued (even by you) more for your sexual appeal than your obvious talent." 

Then Miley wrote Twitter rants about how O'Connor has bipolar disorder, retweeting old tweets by the 'Nothing Compares To You' Singer when she wasn't well. 

Sinead went back to her Facebook Page saying:

"Miley ... Really? Who ... is advising you? Because taking me on is even more ... stupid than behaving like a prostitute and calling it feminism. Ms. Cyrus has today posted tweets of mine which are two years old and which were sent when I was ill and seeking medical help. She has done this in an attempt to deliberately cause me harm and hurt." 

She continued: "Ms. Cyrus' lawyers will be contacted by mine regarding this matter. I confirm also that I do not at all support or condone the abuse or mockery of those who have been brave enough to openly discuss mental health issues. Mockery causes deaths. It is an unacceptable form of bullying."  

Then Miley said "I don't have time to write you an open letter cause I'm hosting & performing on SNL this week." 

Sinead O'Connor responded with "Miley, I have no interest whatsoever in meeting you," O'Connor wrote in a third open letter posted on Oct. 4. "You had plenty of time yesterday to abuse Amanda Bynes ... an entirely innocent party ... and myself ... who also did nothing to deserve your abuse, along with every other sufferer of mental health problems and every person who suffered abuse at the hands of priests. When you end up in the psych ward or rehab I'll be happy to visit you ... and would not lower myself to mock you. Be a proper woman and make the public apologies."

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