Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Letter To Benedeict Cumberbatch Revealed! Political Refugee Assails ‘The Fifth Estate’ As ‘Distorted’

The Transparency advocate Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, has written a personal letter to Benedict Cumberbatch, the British actor who plays him in the film "The Fifth Estate." The movie is based on "a distorted version of the truth."

Benedict Cumberbatch has revealed that Assange has tried to talk him out of the film. He quotes: "I believe you are a good person, but I do not believe that this film is a good film." Cumberbatch described it as a "very considered, thorough, charming and intelligent account."

In the letter, Assange described the film as a "toxic" and "wretched", based on a distorted version of the truth.

More details of the letter (excerpts from The Guardian):

"This film is going to bury good people doing good work, at exactly the time that the state is coming down on their heads. I do not believe it is going to be positive for me or the people I care about."

"You will be used, as a hired gun, to assume the appearance of the truth in order to assassinate it. To present me as someone morally compromised and to place me in a falsified history. To create a work, not of fiction, but of debased truth."

"Not because you want to, of course you don't, but because, in the end, you are a jobbing actor who gets paid to follow the script, no matter how debauched."

"Consider the consequences to people who may fall into harm because of this film. I believe you are well intentioned but surely you can see why it is a bad idea for me to meet with you."

"Instead of the exciting true story, we get a film about a bland German IT worker who wasn't even there and a fabricated fight over redactions with the old newspapers and the state department saving the day. The result is a geriatric snoozefest that only the US government could love."

Cumberbatch went on to star in the film, and will be released in the US on October 18.

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