"Baywatch" Weight Clause Forced Actors To Stay In Five-Pound Range

"Baywatch" actresses were not allowed to gain or lose weight because of a weight clause in their contracts, it has recently been revealed.

The show is known for hot bodies and hot bathing suits, but maintaining those bodies was apparently a lot of effort.

The show is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and "Entertainment Tonight" spoke with cast members including David Hasselhoff, Nicole Eggert, David Chokachi, and Traci Bingham.

The stars talked about being behind-the-scenes on the show, and revealed tidbits like a weird clause on their contract. The contract stated they couldn't lose or gain more than five pounds.

"If you did anything to gain or lose weight, etc. you were in trouble," reveals Traci Bingham, who appeared on "Baywatch" from 1996-1998. Nicole Eggert concurred, explaining futher. "[There] was a five pound fluctuation you couldn't go up or down."

 "When I auditioned for the show, I was asked to try on a suit and it was Pamela's," Bingham said, referring to the show's headliner, Pamela Anderson, who was not in attendance. "I didn't think it would fit, but it did. So, yeah, it was pretty awkward from the beginning."

The suits were hard to keep on, too, because they were so skimpy.

 "We had plenty of moments where it didn't really stay on," she said.  "Especially the top too because it had a really low back so one little slip and the shoulder came off [and] you know what happens when the shoulder comes off."

"It happened a lot," Eggert said.

Eggert talked about the "cattiness" of the show, saying it grew worse as the series grew more popular.

 "It got very competitive as the years went on," she said.  "There were more women going for that look and wanting to be the hottest and the sexiest. Just cattiness, you know? Who got more airplay or who booked this magazine [and] who did this photo shoot."

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