Evidence Comet Striking Earth: Pebble In Egypt Could Mean Planet Was Struck 28 Million Years Ago Which Could Have Produced Diamonds

Evidence of comet striking Earth has reportedly been discovered in Egypt as the first sign that this has happened on this planet.

After conducting a series of analyses, a team of scientist  determined that a mysterious black pebble discovered years ago in the Egyptian desert is a piece of a comet nucleus, which is the first ever discovered to provide evidence of a comet striking Earth.

The pebble, which the team has named "Hypatia" in honor of the ancient female mathematician, astronomer and philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria, is also studded with diamonds, which makes sense considering its cometary origin, researchers said in a statement that also provides evidence of a comet striking Earth.

"Diamonds are produced from carbon-bearing material," study lead author Jan Kramers, of the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, said in a statement. "Normally they form deep in the Earth, where the pressure is high, but you can also generate very high pressure with shock. Part of the comet impacted, and the shock of the impact produced the diamonds."

Kramer said that when the comet struck Earth, they believe it was roughly 28 million years ago.

"It's a typical scientific euphoria when you eliminate all other options and come to the realization of what it must be," Kramer said.

The comet exploded in the atmosphere, heating the sand below to a temperature of 3,630 degrees Fahrenheit and generating huge amounts of yellow silica glass across 2,317 square miles of the Sahara Desert, according to the study.

The rest of the study will be published in an upcoming issue of Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Three of the co-authors will also discuss the finding Thursday, Oct. 10, during a public lecture at the University of the Witswatersrand in Johannesburg.

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