Like the Rest of Us, Girls' Generation Jessica Takes Selcas on the Plane

Taking selcas everywhere is the latest trend nowadays for our favorite idols. Literally, whether they are in a bus, airplane, places, bars or even home.

Last October 10th, Girls' Generation's Jessica uploaded a photo of herself in her own Weibo account and wrote a message "Bye Macau! I had so much fun. Thank u for the warm welcome".

The uploaded photo features Jessica with her cheerful attitude bringing a bright atmosphere in the air.
She also shows her flawless skin with the minimal makeup look.  
Netizens who saw Jessica's photo commented "So lovely", "I want to give her a high-five", and "How can she be so cute".

Envy Jessica's radiant skin? Would you like to have that younger looking skin as well?

Girls Generation
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