Teen Top CAP, Fit to be an Endorser for Motorola? Proven through Fan Edited Ad

Teen Top's leader CAP spread joy to his fans through his latest photo.

Teen Top's leader does know how to crank a joke.  Recently, he showed an ad which made fan girls attentive. It was eye catching because the photo was taken at his fan-signing event. Just for the sake of laugh, one of Teen Top's CAP fan, edited this ad of the idol.

We all have our own smartphone right? It is one of our life's necessity.  The photo of Teen Top leader CAP shows him taking pride over his flip Motorola phone as if he is one of the endorsers of the brand. Fans give their caption message "Advertisers, do you see this?". It was funny because CAP isn't an endorser of the brand. 

Fans who saw this laughable ad commented, "That was so funny!","I thought it's real. It does look real though.","He should become Motorola's endorser." other fans posted sympathy messages such as "Oppa doesn't have smartphone?","Give him smartphone please!" and more.

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Vote for me as Motorola endorser (^_^)

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